Saturday 10 March 2012

Invisible domestic chores.

Imprisoned by Domestic tasks-
Liberated by Artistic Tasks!

Partnership usually means 'Woman's Work'
 is deemed to be the woman's main responsibility. 

Woman's domestic  experiences
can be expressed in artistic ways.

Domesticity is performed by many women-even when tired and not in the mood!
women are a important  within society, this role can be many things, housewife,mother,part-time worker,career,both,
domestic chores provide a  clean environment and happy home, but can also stifle women's potential.
I hope to elevate the importance this invisible domestic work, which only becomes visible when not done!!

Imprisoned by domestic tasks- Liberated by Artistic tasks!

A Day to paint 3 'Woman's Work airers White.

College class mates and chatting make painting fun

3 wooden Clothes horses bought from
Amazon £ 14.99 each posted to my home.

White paint bought from Homebase £12.99
wash brushes in water to clean.  

Turning wooden ready made clothes horses into and

Creating what I have in my 'Minds Eye.
3 clothes Horses will be uses as a vehicle to carry
'Woman's Work' Prints on Persil White material..

Seeing Art  through a woman's eyes

Imprisoned by domestic tasks-
Liberated by Artistic tasks!

Imprisoned by Woman's Work
This is how a woman can feel when bogged down by domestic tasks
 some days there is little or no time left for her own thoughts and development.


Whiter than white cotton with Drypoint print and Lino print

Drypoint printing on 'whiter than white' cotton material to hang onto 'Woman's Work' clothes dryers, and Somerset  printing paper using electric press.  This press is great saves work. 
Lino print preparation 3 plates to complete print of Betsy hanging out washing.

Problem solving-Rubbing of first Plate to test and change effects

Sunday 4 March 2012

Woman's engineering 
Society West of Scotland Circle
get together and events walks
Clyde side Glasgow 4/3/2012  phone photo by Carol Meikleham
Clyde side Glasgow 4/3/2012  phone photo by Carol Meikleham 
 liked to woman's Day toencourage women into engineering
Many women are capable of important work, which benefits society in many ways, including work which was in the past traditionally only for men.  This walk highlights the  
Woman's Engineering Society.  'Woman's Work'  takes many forms. This photo will become part of an Art Instillation, Degree Work Forth Valley College, encompassing the spirit of International Woman's Day. Details of  various events which people are involved in  can be found at