Wednesday 9 May 2012

Feeding Society

Seen but unrecognised Woman's Work daily tasks of shopping . I have made a free hand drawing of this photograph I captured in Denny.  I will draw it onto material  and hang onto Woman's Work Cloths Horse which elevates woman's work and is a metaphor for all the unseen and unsung work women do within society.  I aim to show the seen but unrecognised but common chore of work, carrying heavy bags of shopping home to feed the family.   

Memory Dishes-freehand Drawing from memory

Sewing a Memory Teatowel 

Depicting dishes drawn freehand from memory only within  College class

Dishes which were used in family gathering and every day, imprinted on memory.

Dishes which were used and re-used capturing family life,emotion, and events with association.

Dishes which are well known, familiar to touch sight and family associations , washed and used repetitively

Repetitive actions of woman's work imprints dishes on my memory

Memory Tea towel created with 2- 4colour brio pens and sewing machine.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Positive Thoughts-Negative Thoughts-Everywoman


Photographic Diptych creation: Two Large Digital Prints 

Photoshop Elements 6: printing from CS4

layering: effects: posterization: inkoutlines: inversion negative: flip image:adding pixels to small phone photo:resizing.

Negative Thoughts -Everywoman-looking in-looking out
Positive thoughts -Everywoman-Looking out-looking in

Printing on Cotton- photograph drawings-inkjet printer cotton

Photoshop thoughts photos layering effects printed onto cotton and used for woman's work

hands that do dishes

Repetitive tasks

 Many tasks involve working for others and each other within a household...but  many women's tasks are mundane repetitive chores which reduce learning and thinking time.

 Some chores can be creative like cooking and sewing  the work involved can be downgraded as ...Woman's Work...the skill involved can be downgraded by society  this creative outlet can be unappreciated and accepted as Woman's Work this is now changing as sewing can become an Art Form in its own right.   Many women are using this skill to be creative and artistic upgrading this skill into Artwork.  Feminist issues and the use of existing materials and skills can be used to uphold many feminist issues like equality and women's. equal place within society.  

I was a slow learner and was told by a teacher in an effort to tell me something I WAS GOOD AT i would "make a good housewife and mother."...I was happy with this but I found in reality I became unhappy and bored so I think many women need much more than this in life to be whole happy  human beings.

A Rest last!